I’d love an episode where Tig Notaro is a guest host so we could get some Tig on TIG action

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As far as harmful ideology goes I think some of us that were indoctrinated by Christianity need to start educating these fuckers on the actual harmful ideology. Cuz being scared shitless with Christian propaganda from the moment I popped outta the womb and anytime I'd try to express myself being shut down and having my thoughts and feelings best outta me by religion is 110% more harmful than if adults had listened to me and allowed me to safely express myself. But I do suppose that won't fit into their "Make America Great Again" plan. Regardless I still think we need to tell our stories cuz these dick shits be hurting children more with religion & hate then if...ugh sorry I'm tired and angry and it fucking 2 am. I'll bitch online after some rest.

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Look here Robin Hood and Little John were heroes! Love that Fox and Bear! It's not their fault unworthy humans got one of their names 😅

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